Who We Are

What is Lakelands Hospice?

Lakelands Hospice is an independent charity committed to delivering the best possible care, practice and development of specialist palliative support for people with cancer, heart failure and other life limiting illnesses.

Lakelands receives NO statutory NHS or Government funding and relies on the support and generosity from the people of Corby borough to provide award winning levels of care into the community

Funded by the people for the people Lakelands has become the heartbeat of a proud, loyal and caring Corby borough community that honours an individual’s right to dignity and respect during all stages of their illness by improving the quality of life of all hospice and hospice at home patients and their families.

Lakelands pays for hospice care services to be provided to those who need it either as day patients or in their own homes, we have funded and expanded our Hospice at Home service as we recognise many patients would like the care to be given in the comfort of familiar homely surroundings.

Our services are free to patients and their loved ones.


How we are funded

How we help


Personal stories

Meet the team

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Patient Stories / Comments


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