Gift Aid means that for every £1 Lakelands raises from the sale of your donated goods, we can claim a further 25p from HM Revenue and Customs and it won't cost you a penny!
The added income we can get from your donated items is a huge benefit to our cause, if you sign up for Gift Aid it will help us to continue to provide award winning levels of care for our patients.
If you're a UK tax payer you're eligible to give Gift Aid and it couldn't be simpler to get started. Just complete the form below or pick one up from any of our shops or at our donation station when you drop off your donated items.
By signing up you're helping us to continue to care, support and work towards providing quality end of life care. #makeadifference.
I wish to Gift Aid my donation and increase its worth by 25% at no cost to me...
If you are a UK taxpayer, Lakelands Hospice reclaim the tax you have already paid on every donation you make, which now includes items donated to our shops. By agreeing to Gift Aid, the value of your sold items will increase by 25% because we can claim that back from HM Revenue and Customs.