Bereavement Support

Lakelands Hospice Bereavement Support Group

The group is open to bereaved Adults in Corby and the surrounding areas

12 Sessions will be offered over a 6 month period, providing you with a safe space to learn, share and grow while coping with your loss.

The meetings are held at Lakelands Hospice, Butland Road, NN18 8LX on alternate Wednesday evenings from 5.30pm - 7.30pm

To let us know that you wish to join us, please contact 01536 747859 and ask to speak to Cathy or Lynn. 

See poster for details



 We are also pleased to announce that as part of the expansion of our bereavement service we are now accepting referrals for one-to-one counselling at Lakelands.

Call us or click on the bereavement support referral form button at the top of this page.

Bereavement Support

Our support is extended to the families and the carers of loved ones who have died. Grieving is a natural response to the loss of someone close to you. The feelings and emotions you experience and the effect they have on you will be unique to you.

Our dedicated trained volunteer bereavement counsellor offers one-to-one counselling to help you explore your feelings and support you in finding your own resources to cope with this grief.

If you want us to help you through this difficult time please contact us at the hospice 01536 747859 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm, excluding Bank Holidays). You will be contacted by the volunteer bereavement counsellor who will arrange an appointment that will suit you both.

There is no charge for this service and your confidential sessions will be held at the hospice in one of our quiet private rooms. Our counsellor is unfortunately unable to make home visits.


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