A massive thank you to Gordon Steed, Hennie Hoek, Alan & Ann Potter and the members of East Carlton Walking Group for hosting their 2nd annual charity walk in aid of Lakelands Hospice. Despite the cold weather, the event was very well attended with an increase in participation numbers from 2019 including their regular members, new people and young children too, making it a truly successful community event.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their walks, some chose the 30-minute stroll, whilst others opted for the 1- hour walk. Afterwards everyone came together at the hut, where they were greeted by Alan and Ann with hot beverages, delicious desserts and cakes too! Marina our community fundraiser was warmly invited to the event, she had lots of fun with the game ‘Play your Cards Right’, it certainly brought a lot of laughter to the hut! Raffle tickets were also sold in abundance and lots of lovely prizes were won.
Thank you, East Carlton Walking Group your wonderful community event raised a truly fabulous £390.13 for Lakelands Hospice.
You are all l#lakelandslegends #thinklocalthinklakelands
Chq Presentation Photo – (Left to right) – Hennie Hoek, Gordon Steed, Ann Potter, Alan Potter and Marina our Community Fundraiser