Light up a Life

7th December - Light up a Life, Lakelands Hospice

Light up a Life 2023

Light up a Life is our ceremony where you can remember a loved one by making a dedication for them in the form of a shining light on our Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree will be the central point of the service and it will be illuminated with hundreds of lights to represent the life of loved ones.

The tree will then be a comforting reminder throughout the Christmas period of the people no longer with us but whom we love and wish to remember.

The short service will include poignant readings, Christmas carols and the reading out of loved ones names from our book of remembrance.

To make a dedication
You can download a dedication form or collect one from the Emporium or the hospice. Simply fill this in and return it to us with your donation.

All we need is the name of the person you wish to make a dedication for returned to us before the service. Dedications can also be made on the night before the service begins.

All names will be put in the book of remembrance, which will be kept in the foyer of the Hospice on Butland Road throughout the Christmas period. 

You can make a dedication even if unable to attend the services.

Date: Thursday 7th December 2023

Time: 6.30pm

Location: Lakelands Hospice, Butland Road, Corby

Booking Information
If you require any further info about this event please see poster or contact or call the fundraising team at the hospice on 01536 747755.

Fundraising in the Community


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